Sperm Donor Adventures: the sixth installment
(c) Melina Magdalena 2007
Questions and Answers
Here are excerpts from correspondence I have had with various prospective donors over the past few months.
R offered his sperm in response to an email his partner had forwarded to him. But his partner then raised the question of legal ramifications and I broke off contact very quickly.
Fri, 11 Aug 2006
Dear R.,
Thank you for replying so quickly! I have a couple of other questions for you - what would be your motivation in donating? Do you already have children? How does your partner fit in to this?
Saturday, 12 August 2006
Dear Melina,
It's always been a life goal for me to have children … my motivation for donating would be; I want, at least, to know that a child of mine *does* exist out there. It's hard to explain. I guess I am just hoping that in 50 years or so time there will be someone existing who can enjoy life because of me. It's a gift. We give to the next generation as we took from our parents and so on. At least that's what I like to think. Am I making much sense here? …
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P offered his sperm with no strings attached, and was willing to travel to me. He responded to my ad on PinkBoard. Could this be too good to be true? I wondered what was in it for him?
Monday, 11 December 2006
Dear P,
Thanks for your email - nice to hear from you. Have you donated before?
Hi Melina
Thanks for your reply : ) Yes I've been a donor a few times here and a few times interstate. So far there have been no fertility problems for the mother and conception occurred first time on nearly all occasions. Feel free to ask more and am happy to talk over the phone if you'd like.
Tue, 12 Dec 2006
Dear P,
This is sounding almost possible.
a) Have you been tested against nasties (STDs, etc.)?
b) What is your ethnic heritage?
c) What do you look like?
d) What kind of donor relationship do you want towards the mother and the child?
Hi Melina
Yes have been tested a few times now and happy to do so any time. I think its good for children to know of their biological origins. I have developed friendships with some of the couples I've helped but also have accepted no contact until the child is 18 when that has been preferred. If you preferred no contact the occasional email or pic or phone call just to say that all is well would be greatly appreciated.
What are your preferences ?
Thursday, 14 December 2006
Dear P,
I agree with you that knowing one's biological origins is important, and would encourage that whilst remaining strong in the sense that I as mother am the one who is raising the child, and who determines how that child is
raised. Friendship with the donor is an ideal to which I'd aspire, and letter or email contact would be my preference at least for the first years. Is there anything else you'd like to know about me?
Best wishes,
I agree also - think there's benefit in having some genetic variation (rigour) with diversity. How old are your chilren?
Hving been a donor a few times now I can see how much joy and meaning raising children can bring : )
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My third ad on PinkBoard
8th Dec : don't want to be a father?
Hi there! I'm looking for a healthy man aged 20-40, ethnicity open, who is willing to donate sperm so I can have a baby. I've been on this quest for some time, and just need some of that magic stuff to be able to conceive. I'm a healthy 36 y.o. lesbian, looking to raise the child
on my own. Please help me!
Thanks for your generosity!
I heard from this man twice and then never again.
Thank you for your ad.
I am interested in learning more and may be able to help as I know I have swimmers and am a godfather to a donorson who is now three, well and happy.
Kind regards
Wednesday, 20 December 2006
Dear W,
Thank you very much for your email. Do you live in S.A.? Please tell me a little about yourself and your motivation for donating sperm. For example, have you been tested against STDs and so on? What do you see as your relationship to donor children and their mothers? I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your kind consideration & email.
Running to work but quickly say I get and will get STD tested to ensure nothing is unaccounted. Will write more.
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I paid for this man’s contact details via the ADSR (Australian Sperm Donor Registry).
Thu, 01 Feb 2007
Dear D,
I wonder whether you remember me? … we had some email contact a year or two ago, but got out of touch … Actually, I was very pleased that your name came up via my donor details request, as I'd wondered how you've been going, and whether you were still interested in becoming a father.
A few other issues have emerged as I've been going through this process, so I'll run them past you now. I'd love to get your response soon, to see whether you and I might be able to make this work together.
It's my strong wish to provide the child's home. I'm not keen on the idea of sharing a child in terms of the child having to have two homes, and move from place to place each week. However, this does not preclude regular contact, and of course as the child got older, appropriate arrangements could be made, by negotiation between us,
with the child's happiness and best interests at heart.
Secondly, I've realised that it is very important for me to be free to raise the child within a Jewish context. I'm a progressive Jew, which means that my Jewish heritage is largely enacted within a cultural context, rather than a religious one. That said there are festivals, celebrations, rituals and so on that I would be continuing within the family context. It's important for me that the child's father feels all right about this, which is why I'm stating it bluntly upfront. I don't know whether that would mean in the future doing something like a Bar Mitzvah, but I'd like to keep that option open.
Thirdly, the way I live my life is fairly quietly. I'm not into
materialism, and have spent years being very poor. I now have a good qualification and expect to work part-time for the next many years. This should alleviate the poverty issue. Even so, I find the number of 'things' that kids get given and surrounded by quite disturbing. My way of child rearing is much more natural. For me, it's more important that children get opportunities to spend a lot of time at home and in parks and in the outdoors, and to do things like sport, art, music and so on, rather than getting a lot of toys and technology. I'm probably also more keen on state schooling than private.
Finally, I am also very open about alternative medicine. My family has often used osteopathic, homoeopathic and naturopathic treatments rather than conventional western medicine. It's important for me that that's ok with the child's father, as well.
Now that I've had my say, please take some time to respond, and give me some of your ideas, as well.
Thursday, 1 February 2007
Hi There
I am going to be a Travelling Nurse, but my base will be here in Adelaide so this could work out good. Firstly to answer your questions -
1. I have no problem with the child being raised in a Jewish context, I think having some religious/cultural structure is good for any child, and I think the Jewish Faith/Culture is a positive grounding, and I could learn something from it too.
2. All the alternative therapy stuff sounds great too. I am into alternative/herbal medicines myself, and considered doing some stuff to get qualified, but at the moment my singular focus is on getting qualified in the 'establishment' healthcare system.
3. I will go and get an STD test done, next week.
4. As for the Child having one house in his/her early years, yes, I agree, these are years best spent with the mother, but I hope that as he/she if he/she decides to be incarnated, would like to have contact with me, I think that there’s nothing in this world more exalted then having a little person to watch and teach to grow and thrive.
5. In terms of Materialism/Non Materialism, I think this is also a factor we have in common, I too am not rich, nor seek to be rich. I think it is more important to live in a religious/spiritual context where materialism is put aside for the basics.
Also, can I ask a few of my own questions of you ?
1. How do your present children get along with their father? Do they have access? Do they get on well?
2. Would you want my name on or off the Birth Certificate?
3. What do your children think of having a potential new sibling?
4. What would the surname be, would it be hyphenated or would the child just have your surname ?
I have enclosed a picture, could you return one of you to me?
I am keen to have a child yes, but I think judging by the nature of relationships between men and women who have had children together and the warfare which results, I am kinda keen to take time to get to know and become friends possibly? In a way, I think friendship is important, more important then having a dysfunctional relationship with someone in a romantic context. I think that this creates the impression within the child that there was no breakdown, or discord etc.
Anyway, those are my thoughts for the moment, please email me back if you think of something and I’ll do the same.
Saturday, 3 February 2007
Thank you for considering the surname, the last person I was considering doing this with was so fixed in her expectations and wants, it’s refreshing to find someone flexible. I think ... I also think its great that you will allow the child to know his/her paternal side of his/her family.
I did some research about child support, and for one child it would be 18% of my income. Which based on a 600 dollar a week wage would work out to 108 dollars, which is good, I could live with that. I’ve learnt to become extremely frugal over the years. I think keeping the amount of Government interference to as low as possible, because, really it’s a blunt instrument and it doesn’t know the situation of individuals, and just treats everyone the same.
I look forward to finding out the research you do regarding the legalities of birth certificate, and child support. It will be interesting to see what develops.
Sunday, 4 February 2007
Hi there,
Yes, you’re correct in your impression that my Saturn return was severe, sad etc. It really forced me to look at myself and I think I have learnt a lot from it. The experience with the straight woman wasn’t good, but I think it was the first time i said NO to someone, and she kinda lost the plot, which in turn made me kinda think what is this woman’s problem, and I didn’t get into her stuff, because she was so desperate to have a child. But to get metaphorical here, I see it as a baptism, I was held under the waters, and now I’ve been allowed to resurface and I’ve taken my first breath and feel revitalised.
It would be I consider, a great honour to have a child grow up and be Jewish. I don’t know what that involves, I mean is there a baptism, a naming ceremony, what are the traditions which you would like to share with the child?
I feel that the timing is good; I feel that I am entering an expansive time in my life.
I like unusual names…
Well, I think I’ve yapped on enough, and yeah I’m comfortable with the things which have come together regarding birth certificates etc.
Tuesday, 6 February 2007
I have decided that I would like to cancel our Saturday meeting. I am in the process of simplifying my life. I find that the prospect of having a child will only complicate it. Which is something I don’t need atm.
I hope you find a suitable donor.
Kind Regards
my (devastated) replyFeb 6 2007
Dear D,
I thought I'd just share with you what I've found out about the legal relationship between donors and children. I find it quite strange, but it is true that a father who had sex with the mother is viewed as a father with all the rights and responsibilities that go along with that, whereas a father who donated sperm that was used by the mother for insemination is not viewed as a father, and has no rights or responsibilities towards the child.
In terms of rights, this means if he wanted more access/contact with the child than the child's mother wished, he would have to fight it out with her in the family court, and there are no guarantees that he would be successful in obtaining rights. In terms of responsibilities, he is in no way obliged to pay child support at all.
In the lesbian circles I asked around to confirm this information, the predominant discourse seemed to be of fear and suspicion. Lesbians I talked to wanted their child's father out of the picture, and even when he was a "known donor" they employed strategies such as keeping track of all access in case it came down to family court proceedings in the future. I didn't talk to them about whether they welcome or accept financial support from the fathers of their children.
I found this sad, and have been thinking about it all night - even before I received your email this morning. Given that your profile on the donor registry states you "Desire to have children in an unconventional way, free from the shackles of the nuclear family", I began to contemplate what that means for the kind of relationship or family you and I had been talking about starting together.
I realised that for me, the distinction needs to be made clearly between 'husband' and 'father', and that is where my difficulties and suspicions lie. I never put you in the role of husband in relation to me or a child, because from my point of view the only part of 'family' that is important in my circumstances with regard to the father of my child, is the father role.
The problem I have with husband is the issue of duty and obligation, which of course in a traditional family is supposed to go both ways. But I don't wish to be in a situation where I am supporting the father of my child emotionally or financially, especially where (as happened in my marriage), it was not reciprocated. Not that I thought this was at all what you were suggesting - I raise this only to explain my thinking about the topic.
I also want you to know that while I respect your (earlier) stated intention to contribute 18% of your income towards child support, I think that is far too much, and would always have been open to negotiating something that you felt was achievable and equitable. However, I had not raised this yet, because I wanted to meet you in person and get a feel for how best to approach this. I imagined that with some men, raising the issue may have caused offence, for example. So with respect, if that is one of the issues you have been struggling with, please set your mind at rest.
I respect your situation, and your wish to not continue these negotiations at this time. I realise how busy you are, and how many plans you have running at various stages of completion right now. I also know that I raised the idea during one of our chats about the timing of this, because I was concerned for where you were at in your life. I will say though, that if we had a child together, I would be very happy for you to have as little contact as you needed, and for you to have more contact when your circumstances allowed. So if you do change your mind, please get in touch with me.
his reply
8 Feb 2007
Hi Melina,
Please bear with me, I just have to get my head right, I’m all over the place atm. I just want to focus on getting me cert III.
Thanks for the research, I’m unsure what I feel about being classed as not the father, despite me giving part of myself, that’s what I’m really concerned about.
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Here is the response from prospective no. 2 via the ADSR.
Friday, 2 February 2007
Hello there
Thank you for your email, the ASDR doesn’t give any info on you so I appreciate the detail of your email! I always find myself lost for words in these sort of situations so please excuse this :)
… I’m a very quiet type of person and work very long hours Mon-Fri, i guess that’s why I’m still single! … as I get older the desire to have children is getting stronger and is something I have always dreamed of…
The Jewish background you have should be respected and i understand that but I’m not really a religious person at all. The only issue I have with Jewish custom is with circumcision if a male child was to be born that is something I would strongly object to i hope you understand that.
The type of situation I’m looking for is to be part of the child’s life as I will be giving you a child you will also be giving me a child it has to be fair between us even when the child is young I would like to be involved and so would my family that is something for you to think about, not that I would be demanding and want to be there 24/7 but I would like to be a doting father and be allowed access even as a new born my mother and father would like this!!
Cheers N
Sun, 04 Feb 2007
Dear N,
Thank you for your emails, and I'm sorry it has taken me a few days to get back to you.
I appreciate your responses to the information I gave you, and I agree with you about circumcision, and wouldn’t inflict that on my son, either.
Why do you work at two jobs? You seem to have a very heavy workload? Perhaps you're saving for a house, or travel or something?
When I registered with the ASDR, I was given contact details of two potential donors. One happened to be someone I'd had contact with previously but was out of touch with for a year or more. This seems to be working out, which leaves you in the lurch, unfortunately. I'm sorry to raise your hopes and then let you down.
However, if you would please allow me to take a little more time to see how it pans out, I will get back in touch with you soon and give you a definite answer.
Best wishes,
Sunday, 4 February 2007
Hello again!
No problem at all take all the time you need! I hope something works out for you! Yes I do have a busy work load but I am saving so there is a reason for it … hmm a holiday would be nice! I have been let down a few times on this site so i guess I’m getting use to it but you never know :)
Anyway have a great day and good luck with your potential donor :)
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And prospective donor no. 3 from the ADSR
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
Dear Melina,
… thank you for your description of yourself, the ASDR didn’t give me any details of you at all ... just a text last night asking if it would be okay if my information were to be passed on....
… i'm a long time happily single 24 year old with an outgoing yet laid back friendly personality.... I discovered the ASDR because I wanted to become a father and enjoy that experience… to be honest, I was looking to add to my extended family, which would include hopefully a good friendship with the lady/couple I donated for who would be happy me playing an "uncle" type role to the child that would come from the donation union.... I would be ever so happy, if the person I donated for was a nice person, a loving mother who might be nice enough to allow me to visit at times, take me on as a non intrusive friend and maybe, if I’m lucky, might let me baby sit the baby if the need ever arose.... Being a mother already obviously wanting another proves to me that you'd make a good one... and I quite admire the Jewish faith (of what I know of it) - I have no religious background personally however, I come from a very 9-5 Monday to Friday family where Sundays were for resting off the work week and mowing the lawns as opposed to going to a church of any description....
Fri, 09 Feb 2007
Hi F (again),
I like your description of how you picture yourself in this scenario. An uncle-figure is great. I would want my child to know who its father was, but have no expectations on a donor to do anything other than be present as appropriate and negotiated for all concerned. I think I am a nice person... :) I would prefer to be friends with my child's donor.
Best wishes,
Friday, 9 February 2007
hello again Melina =)
…I would be really happy to meet in person whenever you would like actually =)
I'm comfortable meeting you, but I can be shy..... I've got a bit of an exterior that can come across as quite confident, but I assure you, I'll be pretty determined to impress....
looking forward to hearing back from you =)
From F. =)
Wed, 14 Feb 2007
Hi F,
It was good to meet you yesterday. Thanks for making the time to spend just getting to know each other. Very funny to find an Adelaide connection
hey !
good to hear from you, likewise, it was great to meet you the other day....... yes, it was funny to come across our connection to G, undoubtedly there would be more..... considering there’s about 6 degrees of separation keeping us from tea with the queen, I reckon living in our small little town of Adelaide suburban life, one more hour of meeting we would've worked out two more.... ;)
hope everything that came up when we met was clear and open and all the rest and you didn’t go away with overly much to think about... I’ve no doubt that if you decided to go ahead with more definite plans, we could get things in appropriate mutual order in no time flat... painful thing about the beginnings of anything bigger than sliced bread really isn’t it, with merely ideas tossed around with nothing as yet gone on paper.... where to now?
rest assured however, I liked you when we met, you're pretty cool.... so, from my side of things, I’m happy to explore the idea further if you are....
take care of yourself, hope to hear from you again soon =)
From F =)
Sun, 25 Feb 2007
Dear F,
I hope you're well, and I'm sorry I've been so slow in responding.
There's been so much to think about and do - especially on the job front, that I'm feeling like the baby thing is taking far longer than I had anticipated and I don't seem to have enough energy or time to think about it properly, let alone take action.
I really appreciated meeting you and your openness and honesty. I think you will be a great father with the right person. However, I have been "shopping" as you said, though at the time I felt uncomfortable with the idea of saying "no" to you.
It's important for me to let you know that this is nothing to do with who you are, or your motivations. You didn't offend me in any way, and it's nothing to do with your looks, either! Please don't let this dent your confidence or hope that you will find someone to have a baby with.
I'd like to wish you the very best, and good dreams that come true,
Sunday, 25 February 2007
hey Melina =)
rest assured there’s no hard feelings..... things didn’t feel right, then, they weren’t right.. it’s as simple as that....
i do hope you find the right guy and everything works out :)
I appreciate your honesty in coming forth and telling me you were pursuing other options......
thankyou for meeting with me though, I've been thinking about it actually... you being only the second person I’ve met, and having gone so far with the first, I’ve changed my opinion on the donation side of things, when I’ve realised that in this given situation, I'd be better off more removed if I were to ever go through with it...... I'd prefer to donate to a couple who would raise the child as there own, and be in the background.... or maybe, in the right circumstance, not even at all.... as long as it had loving parents and I could carry a photo in my wallet I think I might be okay with that....
all the same, I appreciated today’s e-mail, truly..... =)
I hope it all works out with you, your kids and into the future... =)
From F.
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I answered another ad on PinkBoard.
Subject: your ad on pink board Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2007
Hello Intelligent Donor,
Thanks for your ad on pinkboard. I've posted a few ads there myself, and am looking for a donor. I'd prefer my child to know its father, and would be happy for that to be annually, and build up a relationship if that worked well. However, I'm not based in Vic, and am wondering whether you would be open to such a proposition? (I would travel for the insemination.)
When you say you are a blue-eyed Australian, what does that mean?
Also, how old are you?
Hope to hear back soon,
Thursday, 8 February 2007
Hi M,
Let me guess, you're in northern NSW? Nimbin? Hippy!
(I used to be a hippy, but with hard work and counselling it eventually got a bit better)
There are some missing branches on my family tree, so although I was told I was English, I believe that I have a lot of German/Jewish/Austrian/Polish/Ukrainian... If I look at my relationships, my friends, the people members of my family have married, how much I love travelling in central Europe and hated living in England (don't get me wrong, it's a nice country, pity it is full of pommies)
I'm Caucasian (blue/dark-blonde), smart (top 10% of IQ), professional (strategy for a well known corporate), healthy (muscle, not fat - built more like an AFL than a Rugby player), travelled, idealistic male. Genetics is more important than most people realise and I'm glad to see you see this too.
I'd like to meet you to make sure you're not an axe-wielding psycho... or Jewish princess... :)
Your child will partly be me, and so I'm happy to keep in touch - I'm sure a bit of advice every now-and-then will be helpful. However frequent meetings will not be possible.
One thing I'm sure we will both agree on and that is that I don't trust Johnny Howard to make laws or lawyers to administer them... so lets keep this on a first-name basis. I want to make an agreement writing down how we want to do things... have a look at www.glrl.org.au/pdf/major_reports/talking_turkey.pdf
I hope you're serious about this and travelling down etc... and not a flippy-hippy...
Oh, and never ask a girl her age...I'm genX but almost a baby boomer (yuck!)
Fri, 09 Feb 2007
Dear H,
Thanks for your reply! My sister is in the rainbow triangle but I am (alas) in staid Adelaide. However, I like it down here. My hippyness extends to my personal politics, and doesn't involve dropping out or tripping on drugs. I am not materialistic, but I do like to be comfortable. Also my spiritual values, beliefs and views are extremely eclectic and many people find them a little unusual. Maybe that's hippy too - I'm too young to really know. I wasn't raised Jewish - my grandmother was a 1939 refugee from Vienna, and married a German immigrant in an act of teenage rebellion and with the thought that it wasn't safe to be Jewish anymore. She raised her children Unitarian, and my parents did me the same favour until we were all almost grown up, and reconnected with our Jewish past.
Enough from me now - I was pleased to hear from you, but have a busy day ahead.
I'll check out that website.
Best wishes,
Friday, 9 February 2007
I have only been there a few times, but Vienna is my favourite city in the World!
I'm curious..."extremely eclectic and many people find them a little unusual" Perhaps you can give me a little taste?
I have strongly held ideals also, sadly I am (as usual) ahead of the crowd and so some of my recently adopted ideals will not be socially acceptable for another 10 years... The fact is I believe in truth and I’m smart and curious enough to find it before most...
Fri, 09 Feb 2007
Hello again, H,
Thanks for your email. I've looked at the website and agree - an agreement is a good idea, as is STD testing and some more questions and answers. The reason I asked your age, is that there has been correlation proven between older fathers (40+) and children born affected by various aspects of the autism spectrum. Sorry for the faux pas :)
Would it bother you if I asked questions with reference to astrology? Such as "are you an Aquarian or what?
My beliefs concern time, space, lives, connections, spirit, plans, intentions and purpose. I love many Jewish rituals and festivals, but am not strict about being Jewish. I'm happy to have my own way of doing things, and to adapt. I believe in many lifetimes, and a development and intelligence of spirit which is neither linear, nor progressive. I have had various experiences of knowingness that are difficult to explain or describe. It often happens to me that I will speak to someone about things I really oughtn't to know about them.
For me, family is far more than blood-kin or people who have been consciously and legally adopted into a family. The love I feel and extend towards friends and workmates means I incorporate them into my sense of family. I have a knowingness about having more children, and this being part of my purpose. At the same time, I don't believe everything is preordained. I don't believe everything 'is meant' to happen the way it does. I've had too many bad experiences to believe I chose them. I certainly don't believe I'm being punished for (my) past. However, it becomes me to deal with what happens and in that sense I am self-determined, even in the face of the traumatic and unexpected.
Hope that's not too vague and airy fairy (hippy). A little more about me, as reading through our emails so far I realise I didn't give very much away. I am 37, live in secure public housing (a blessing) and have been a single mother most of my adult life. I am a writer, artist, activist and most recently a teacher. I intend to work part-time as a teacher as well as raising my child. I will probably be reliant on part benefits and that doesn't bother me, as I pay plenty of taxes and contribute a great deal to my community and society.
If you feel ok about it, I'd love to know a little more about you. Have you been a donor before? Do you have other children? What is your motivation in this case? Did you get many responses to your ad? (I had none!)
I'm going to be doing some writing this weekend about motherhood and fatherhood and what I've been learning of late, about the legalities and peculiarities of Australia's way of dealing with the non-nuclear. I don't expect anything from a donor, but I respect that as a potential donor, you are not just a producer of sperm, but are a human being with your own needs and your own agenda. I would like to explore this thoroughly to ensure we're on the same wavelength more or less, or have tried hard to reach a common understanding.
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
Ah hippy-chick... :)
you guessed well... I'm Aquarian with my moon in Aquarius... double dose... a chronic idealist. What you claim you have makes me in awe (and insanely jealous)... your "experiences of knowingness" as you describe it... women with this 'nature' are just amazing and many of my girlfriends have had it... you're right, it is hard to describe, each example just sounds trite in isolation, but it is a pattern that is beyond co-incidence. Wow! On the other hand, you could be lying!
I'm glad you have your synagogue; it must be a support and make you feel relatively normal ;) Jews, unfortunately, have one of the lowest birth-rates of any ethnic group... a real pity when you realise that we tend to be very intelligent and so many important advances and artworks have been created by Jews... That's the real underlying basis of the war on terror and the Israel-Arabic thing... the Jews are becoming a minority group even in Israel, let alone the Middle East. Say what you want about Muslim religions, but they have one thing worked out and that is how to have kids... and demographics is destiny.
I only discovered my jewishness by a bit of detective work and intuition, my family have lost any cultural/spiritual connection, which is sad. I would like to look into conversion when I have some time - which is probably not until my retirement...
About older men's sperm, while this is true, the chances are very low... remember I work in marketing and statistics... an older woman is (by memory) many hundreds of times more likely to have a downs syndrome child than an older man with autism...
You're in Adelaide, a very lovely city. But do you ever come to Victoria? Or am I going to have to get the things frozen... which involves some expense for you and months of delay. What time-frame are you looking at? I doubt that I can get to Adelaide. I've decided that I want to take myself off the market after a few months... don't want to many 'mini-me's out there (although realistically, as half-siblings they are sufficiently un-related that even if they did end up in the same city and meet and were hetero and fall in love and breed, that it wouldn't be a problem... to quote a bloke I used to work with... the probabilities are two-thirds of six-eighths of sixteen-thirty-two-ths of f*ck all... To date I have two donor kids and I am working with another woman for a kid.
Mon, 19 Feb 2007
Hi H,
Thanks for the stats. :) Not my forte, but worrying IS a Dog trait.
I first got interested in Chinese astrology (though I'm by no means an expert) when I observed the similar personality traits in my daughter's kindergarten cohort. This was a group of Metal Goats, and they were the most colourful, strong willed, interesting individuals I had encountered. They've grown up to be mavericks amongst their peers and more conservative types such as the Metal Horse look at them simultaneously with admiration and disparagement, wishing they had the guts to be as odd and happy as they seem to be!
Of course these are gross generalisations, but observing the trends is something I enjoy on an amateurish level.
Yes, I could be lying about the knowingness, and it's something I've repressed more than I've embraced. But I'm not the kind of person who is in to lying and deceit. I find it distressing to lie, and to be lied to, so I try not to do it. It can take an enormous amount of courage to speak up, rather than lie by omission, and I'm learning that this is a good thing to do, but one must pick one's battles, rather than become exhausted through attrition.
I guess, if you've already been a donor 2- 3 times, you've been tested and retested and know the drill for preparing sperm for self-insemination? I would plan to travel to Sydney, rather than arrange for - what did you call them? :) "the things" to get frozen and sent to me. I've been charting my cycle for some time, and it seems to be quite regular, so organising that from my side would be fairly easy. It sounds like you're tremendously busy, so I'd need some idea of your availability before booking tickets!
I'm going to spend some time this week on the agreement thing. In the meantime, I've chatted with a couple of other potential donors whom I don't feel right about. I can say that as a starting point, I'm keen to be the one who makes decisions about my family, in terms of medical stuff, schooling, etc. My idea is that you as donor would be present as a real person, but not closely involved. From what we've written to one another so far, I think that's agreeable to you, but please do write more about your ideas on this, and what terms you would prefer in an agreement.
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
I love generalisations! Lets face it, if you can't generalise, you can't talk... What is a word, other than a concept or generalisation?
But the "self-centred" may not come from the dog, but from your jewishness... there are some real Jewish b*tches - I'm sure you know...
It would be lovely to see you in Vic... I'm in Europe through April (poor me! :) so that is out, and I'll be pretty busy before both the NSW State and the Federal elections, so that's not ideal.
How does this sound as an agreement??? Based on the GLRL template. Basically the changes I've made are to remove the pre-amble that refers to the Family Law Act, knowing that the law will certainly change, why bring up the old law?
I've added that you should refer to me as an "unknown man" especially on the birth certificate, lawyers, govt departments etc. In short, never let the lawyers get involved with anything... least of all important things and decisions about people’s lives.
In case of either of us dying etc. The other should be contacted and so I want you to put a letter with your will ("only to be opened upon my demise" Ha! Sounds like an old gothic old Edgar Allan Poe novel...) Can you add something about that to it?
Finally, if you come up a couple of days *before* ovulation, is apparently best. Also you should get a couple of deposits so my sperm are swimming around just waiting for the big one (it's the big red ball that makes dreams come true!) :)
Sun, 25 Feb 2007
Hi H,
I've attached the agreement with some changes (mostly grammatical) and the addition you suggested about our leaving a letter with our wills to contact the other if we die. I think the agreement is pretty good, but want to know your view on termination of a pregnancy if tests show abnormalities in the foetus. Does this need to be included in the agreement?
I like the emphasis on mutual agreement, and think your ideas on contact and mediation are excellent. I'm not 100% sure about the identity bit. It reads as though you want to be kept completely anonymous to the child until s/he is 18. Is that a part of the agreement that we could consider having a separate mutual agreement about? For example, could the child know your first name? Could the child talk to you during an annual phone call?
Timing is going to be tricky, as I've just accepted a teaching contract. Travelling will be restricted to when I am not teaching and when I am ovulating. I'm a little worried about how this will work now, but would like to just keep going and see whether we can make it work. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Monday, 26 February 2007
Hi Hippy-chick!
I'm starting with the boring stuff...
Good, I wrote the agreement after a long day and I was cutting and pasting from the original version and, frankly, couldn't be bothered doing a final proof-read...
I have made three small changes... (ATTACHED)
f. The Mother agrees that if she dies or loses their mental faculties or custody of the child, the Donor should be contacted as soon as is practically possible. The Mother agrees that a letter to this effect will be enclosed with her will.
g. The Donor agrees that if he dies or loses his mental faculties, the Mother should be contacted as soon as is practically possible. The Donor agrees that a letter to this effect will be enclosed with his will.
and later
f. In the event of another party seeking details of the donor, the Mother agrees not to disclose the identity or contact details of the donor. The Mother is to describe the donor as an unknown man or anonymous donor.
and later
b. The mother agrees to do everything in her power to prevent other parties from being able to identify the donor. The mother is to describe the donor as an unknown man or anonymous donor
All your other changes seem fine.
My understanding is that legally, the child doesn't exist until it is born, and so it is entirely your choice about terminations etc. I think it would be a dreadful shame if you were to have a sub-normal child and would encourage you to have tests and abort if the pregnancy would result in your child having a disadvantaged life.
Re contact; I started with the talking Turkey "No Contact" template, and adjusted it. The early clauses are a bit tight, but as it stands the 'contact sections includes...
c. The donor agrees to receive occasional telephone contact. This would be by mutual agreement of the donor and the Mother. For example an annual telephone call.
So, yes, that's fine. First name is OK too. the word "Identity" is a means to legally identify me... full name, DOB, drivers licence etc.
I have been told that before ovulation is better than after... sperm have to swim up and they live for a couple of days (girl sperm live longer) Please you should confirm this with some medical authority...
Can you travel up during the week still?
If you can get up here for this cycle that would be great! I'm looking forward to meeting you!
OK, that's the boring stuff...
To be fair, since you're paying to get up here, I'll organise a hotel room close to the city (or close to the airport?) and meet you there? So I don't get too much of a shock... please give me a bit of a description of yourself... Let me guess..."I've got long hair blowing in the breeze, around my heart I carry a silk pouch with my birth crystal in it and I'll be wearing a hand-embroidered indian silk sari with Tibetan sandles and henna-dyed hair down to my knees..." Am I correct? ;-)
It will be fun to meet you... jew-girls are always fun (although sometimes only fun in small doses ;) If you're anything like my mental picture of the person I think you are, I know we'll get on great.
Please confirm by SMS asap if you are coming up this cycle and when, so I can make arrangements.
"service with a smile"
Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Hi Hippy!
Are you coming up? You've been thinking about this for months... It's what you want, and now is the right time... and I'm sure you're just a little curious to meet me...
Let’s have a chat, can you email or sms me a number so we can talk about where to go next?
Wed, 28 Feb 2007
Hello H,
It seems the universe is conspiring against me for March. I don't think I can make it up this weekend, I'm sorry. No cheap flights left, plus family commitments. Please don't take this as a brush off though - if we have to wait until your return from Europe, I'm willing. What date do you actually leave? I don't have a mobile, but will try and purchase one with my first paycheck (something I've been putting off - the phone purchase, though I want that paycheck!!), and will be pleased to chat then. I'm looking forward to it. Yes, I'm curious to meet you, etc. etc.
By the way, I have to burst your bubble about my hippy appearance. I did have long, flowing hippy hair for many years, but currently look quite dykey, with short straight brown hair, and a decided preference for trousers, though I do like my sandals.... Also am more of an Eastern Eurpoean peasant build - short and stocky, green eyes, baby face. Will attach a pic to a later email when I find one that's suitable.
Sorry for the delay in responding to your earlier email, and look forward to hearing back from you soon and planning the trip.
Saturday, 10 March 2007
I was hoping to father a supermodel, but that doesn't sound likely... But hopefully not like something from the zoo that descended on Sydney for Mardi Gras... talk about 'people watching'
You said that this cycle was not going to happen... so there was nothing to say.
I'm leaving on Sun the 1 April and I'll be back a couple of days after ANZAC Day.
Balls (pun intended) in your court, little hippy-chick.
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I got one response to my ad in Blaze (Adelaide’s GLBT newspaper)
Saturday, 10 February 2007
Dear compassionate woman
I am a 38 yr university educated male thinking of becoming a sperm donor, I saw your advert and I would like to enquire about the what qualities in a donor you are seeking.
Thank you
Thursday, 22 February 2007
Dear Melina,
Thank you for replying to my email and answering some of my questions. I did not find your reply "full on" but very clear and considerate person. I do not get the impression from your email that you view males as simple sperm producers, as some people do.
At the moment I am just going through my mind the many social and emotional outcomes of donating, as you are well aware. My main concern is the welfare of any child. First of these the social environment in which this child will grow into. Do you have a strong network of family, friends and partners that will contribute to the raising your child. When I first began to think about these issues, I always thought of donating to a couple who have the support of one’s family and surrounded by other lesbian mothers. I am sorry if this is too personal.
Friday, 13 April 2007
Dear Melina,
Just writing to say Hi and that I have not disappeared. Just ill with a gastro bug and then the Flu. I also wonder what has been the response of your friends and family to your decision to use a donor?
Thanks E
Saturday, 14 April 2007
Hi E,
How nice to hear from you again. I hope you're feeling better. Gastro and the flu! Yuck....
In my family, my grandmother (now deceased) and my sister have been the two people in whom I have most confided. And they've always been very supportive of me. My mother and I are also very close. These are the main family members with whom I have discussed the whole idea of donors and having more children. I've also talked with one of my brothers, and with my own children. My children's responses have been interesting. They were adamant that it is unfair to bring a child into the world that doesn't know its father.
I have also talked with my closest friends about it all. Once we got past the "why on earth would you want to have more children now" conversation, they have been interested and intrigued by the whole idea. We have had many interested discussions about how it might work, and about the journey I've been on in trying to find a donor.
The idea of setting out to fall pregnant mindfully and deliberately is quite a radical concept for women who are not lesbians. And for lesbians, it's tricky because some lesbians still feel that having children is something only straight women would choose to do.
My mother got quite excited about the idea that I could choose a donor for particular attributes (such as race), and somehow create a child that was more of my choosing, than a genetic accident that happened because I was sexually attracted to a particular man. I think at that time both she and I felt finding a donor would be much easier than it has turned out to be. Actually I've discovered that the pool of choice is not big at all. If I'm going to be able to fulfil my dream, I will have to not only consider the needs and wants of the donor, but also choose to go with whoever presents himself as available and content to be a donor.
Sorry for the long response - I hope it's ok, and look forward to hearing back from you soon.
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I responded to more ads on PinkBoard. The men all seem to live interstate.
You've made a very generous offer. I'm looking for a sperm donor, but I live in Adelaide. My ideal set up would be that my child know its father, or at least know something about its father. However, I would want to raise the child primarily on my own. Does that sound possible to you? I look forward to hearing back from you!
Thanks Melina. It's ok if you want to raise the kid primarily on your own, as long as I am known to the kid. But the fact that you live interstate can make it a bit tricky, unless you are willing to travel interstate. Let me know what your thoughts are and we can talk.
Dear P,
I owe you an apology. Very gauche, I know, but I confused you with another man who had advertised on Pinkboard. I am sorry.(He's the one who says he's an engineer and artist.) However, if you would like to continue our correspondence, I'm happy to do so.
Best wishes,
Dear P,
Hope you're enjoying this long weekend. Thanks for your email.
I am still interested in having a child. Very interested. Over the last few years, I've come up with a few bottom lines though, and one of them is that I want to continue to live in Adelaide, as it's a great place to bring up a family. Also, I have secure housing here, and the cost of living is not as high as in other places. Plus, my family and most social connections are here.
My living situation is that I've worked at various things over the years, and completed my qualification in secondary teaching last year. So I'm now looking at developing my career as a teacher. This has the potential for interesting, family-friendly work, and a secure income, things I consider important in planning to have a child.
A little more about me - I am 36, of European and Jewish extraction, short, stocky, brown haired and green eyed, and have two teenage children from a marriage when I was very young.
I don't know how any of this sits with you. I'd be interested to know, for example, what motivated you to advertise on Pinkboard, and what your ideal would be, in terms of fathering a child.
Best wishes,
Hi, thanks. I don't mind keeping talking to you. Are you still interested in the sperm donation thing?
Have a happy Australia Day.
Thanks you sound like a nice person. I'll be happy to keep email contact with you if you don't mind.
Hi P,
Thanks for your email. I sense that you're really looking for someone to co-parent with in Sydney. That's ok. I hope you find her! Keeping up a monthly commitment of interstate travel would be very difficult, and expensive for you.
I'd be very happy to have a Eurasian child - my family is of very mixed heritage anyway, and I have two brothers from overseas adoptions, so the more the mix, the merrier, as far as I'm concerned! And I'd be happy to fly over for the AI as well.
But I acknowledge that what I'm offering is not what you really want, so unless you feel ok about it, perhaps we should just leave it there, and hope that both of us find what we want in our own states?
I'm sorry, I don't know any lesbians in Sydney who are looking for a sperm donor.
All the best,
Hi P,
Have you considered registering as a donor at www.australianspermdonorregistry.net ? I've taken a look at the website, and it's very comprehensive - free for donors to register. Also, it divides donors by state, so you may have a better chance of linking up with someone in your area. I've just registered myself, and one of the questions asked is about how much contact is wanted, so you'd be able to put in your wishes, and have those considered by prospective mothers.
Thanks for your kindness. I have registered already but don't seem to get any response. Do you know if that website has a link to my email so when people send me a message it will bump into my email instead of my logging in that website and checking? Most of my responses are from Pinkboard.
As for your other email, just tell me about myself. I was born in China and moved to Australia in 2002. So around 5 yrs down the track. I'm working as an accountant. I quite enjoy life in Australia.
Hi again,
Thanks for your email!
I think the way the registry works is that it's up to women to contact themand ask for the contact details of any men they are interested in. It occurs to me that there is a cultural difference in Australia with regard to religion, that I thought I would share with you, in case it may make your details as sperm donor more attractive to women.
I'm not sure whether your registration lists you as "Christian", and I don't mean to offend if it is, but there are certain connotations to this designation that would make many lesbians avoid your registration.
In Australia, "Christian" is used to describe members of pentecostal and charismatic movements, as opposed to members of other churches, such as Catholic, Uniting, Anglican, and so on. The trouble with this, is that the pentecostal and charismatic movements tend to be extremely homophobic and antigay. Many women who identify as lesbian, even if they come from a Christian background, will generally not label themselves "Christian", because they feel discriminated against and hated by people from such movements.
This doesn't mean, of course, that one cannot be gay or lesbian and also Christian. There are also lesbians for whom their Christian identity is very important, and perhaps someone like this will see your registration and respond.
But most of the men who advertise on the Sperm Donor Registry would state their religion in terms of what their family was, and many of them probably aren't churchgoers. So if a man says he is Anglican or Catholic, this doesn't really mean that he attends church regularly, but that his family was Anglican or Catholic. In Australia, there have been big differences between Protestants and Catholics in the past, and even in the present generation, it is important to some people that their children are either Protestant or Catholic, rather than Christian or not Christian.
It's all rather confusing. If being Christian is an important part of your identity, and an important factor for you in terms of how your child is raised, it's going to be difficult to find lesbians whose views are similar, because of the homophobia within most Western religions (including Judaism - I'm Jewish :)
Anyway, I hope that makes some sense to you, and I hope I haven't caused any offence.
Thanks for your advice. I think another reason is that not many Caucasian women want their children to have Asian blood. Anyway do you have a pic? I went to Adelaide last Easter. It's nice a bit quiet though, but I don't mind being quiet. If my lover is willing to move with me there, I don't have a problem. But it appears that not many people want to.
Anyway thank you. I find you nice.
Hi, how are you? Not sure if you want to send me a Pic of yours. Or do you have a website that shows your profile?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Sincerely wishing you a happy/happier day.
Hi P,
Sorry I didn't contact you for a week. And what aweek it was! I hope this finds you well. The last email, you said you'd talk to your lover about relocating to Adelaide... that sounds like a drastic measure to take?
Anyway, I'm hoping you will still find someone in Sydney to have a baby with. And in the meantime, I seem to have finally found someone in Adelaide that it seems to be working out with. But here's a picture of me, and please do keep in touch. Let me know how it goes.
Best wishes,
thanks Melina.
I didn't mean I would talk to my lover to relocate to ADL. What I mean is I wouldn't mind moving to ADL if my lover is willing to. And I don't have a lover at the moment.
I'm happy you find someone locally May things work out best for you.
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Number 2 Chinese background Pinkboard response
Hi there,
Saw your ad on Pinkboard. Any chance of your relocating to Adelaide? I want to have another child (or two), but can't move to Sydney at this stage.
take care!
Hi Melina,
Thank you very much for replying to my ad. Attached please find my detail. What is your nationality?
Although I have no plan currently to move, potentially there is still a chance we can come up with something. I mean I could fly over for you to have an AI etc. Can you tell me more about yourself?
Kind Regards,
Thanks Melina for your detailed answer. Your motivation for a child sounds very good for me. But living interstate with the child is a big challenge for me. I would ideally have regular say, once a month, contact/visit with the child though I don't have to seek an active parental role. Plus I'm not sure if you would be interested in having half Asian blood for the child as I'm Asian. And for you to travel to NSW to get inseminated is probably a big hassle? Anyway let me know what your thoughts are.
By the way, do you know someone else in Sydney who's looking for a sperm donor?
have a nice weekend.
Dear Melina,
Thanks for your reply.
My email is now fixed. We can now correspond with this.
I think your other attributes sounds suitable for me, except you are a bit far. But I believe there should be some ways to do it. I too have a lot of difficulties finding a co-parenting partner. (Very few replies) So I hope we can work something out.
Can you send me your photo?
Hope you don't mind me asking your sexual orientation (Lesbian/Bi/Hetro). Do you currently have a partner?
Firstly I am financially secured, working as a professional Electrical Engineer/Designer. I am also an amateur artist. I specialize in portraits & caricatures. It would be no problem for me to fly down for you to have AI.
With relocating, do you think it's possible for you to move to Sydney, with some financial help from my side?
Please give me a rough figure how much it would cost you, had you decided to do this.
And if you think moving is not viable, then how much weekly cost do you think to raise a child in Adelaide? (how much is my weekly contribution?) If you can't move then obviously I have to consider visiting the child less often. Maybe once a month.
Do you have a religion?
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Dear L,
Thanks for sending your details. They are very comprehensive! I'm 36, and come from a European background. On my father's side, German and Scottish, on my mother's side Italian, German, Jewish. I identify as Jewish. I am short and stocky, with brown hair and green eyes. I am very healthy and strong. I have two teenaged children from when I was very young and married. I have been trying to extend my family for the past 6 years, but have found it difficult to find a donor. I have worked in office work for some time now, but have also worked as a cleaner and signwriter. I recently gained my qualification in teaching, and intend to pursue a teaching career from this year. I have secure housing in Adelaide. I am also a writer and artist.
After re-reading your ad, I realise that you are looking to co-parent, and it is a shame we live in different cities. Your idea of visiting one a week and so on, is a really good one, but it wouldn't be possible if we didn't live in the same city... What do you think?
Anyway, what kind of art work do you do?
Best wishes,
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Dear L,
Thank you for your email. I've attached a photo of me, taken in December 2005.
I've taken a look at your website. You've worked in many different art forms, and have obviously developed your skills to a high level! I have dabbled at art, and the only qualification in art that I have, is in signwriting. So I've made many banners with words, and have started to take my painting skills a little more seriously. I also love collage, and have also worked with textiles (tie dyeing and patchwork). But I haven't done much 3D work at all!
I'll answer your questions first, and then ask some more of my own.
1) sexual orientation
I am a lesbian and I am single. I've only had one partner, and that relationship broke up some time ago. It's not my priority, to find a partner, but if it happens, the woman would need to accept me as a mother as well as a lesbian. When I was 19 I got married, but this didn't work out (not only because I turned out to be a lesbian). I have two children from my marriage, aged 15 and 16. They visit their father regularly - he lives a couple of suburbs away. Prior to my marriage, I didn't have any other boyfriends or girlfriends!
2) religion
My religion is Jewish, but not orthodox. This means that for me, being Jewish is more of a cultural heritage, although there are of course celebrations and some rituals that are part of my everyday life. My family is culturally diverse. I have two brothers who were adopted from overseas. My family is very welcoming of diversity, and has accepted my sexuality without problem. My parents are supportive of my wish to have more children.
3) finances, career and housing
Financially, I am a teacher, and hope to find secure part-time teaching work in the next couple of weeks. I feel that teaching is an ideal career for a mother, and would want to work part-time, in order to have time and energy for parenting, domestic duties, and other things I enjoy, such as writing, artwork and gardening. I live in public housing, which I am entitled to keep for as long as I want. The good thing about this, is that my rent is scaled according to my income. So if I'm only working part-time, my rent is less than if I were working full-time.
I note your question about how much it would cost as a monthly allowance - I'm not really sure I know how to answer that though. This would depend on things such as whether you were named as the father on the birth certificate (which would make you legally liable to pay child support), and how much you wanted to contribute. I feel travel costs for you would be a large part of this. As the child got older, and wanted to do things such as music lessons, or sport, or school excursions and so on, perhaps an allowance would be appropriate. I think we would have to negotiate this sensitively acccording to the needs of the child.
4) relocating
I have to be very clear that I am not attracted to the idea of moving to Sydney. I have my family and support network in Adelaide, as well as my home and my other children, who would not be permitted to move interstate. For me, it's not just about the money side of things, although the cost of living is lower in Adelaide and I have my secure housing here. I believe Adelaide is a good place to raise a family, because of its climate, environment, schools, open spaces and ease of transport.
I realise this issue of distance is a real one, and I think it is important that you consider carefully whether you would be happy with an arrangement whereby your child was being brought up in another state, and you only got to see it once a month. Obviously, as the child got older, travel from Adelaide to Sydney would be possible, but the child's need for security is very important too.
Things that I think you should consider include: where would your parents, your culture, and your needs as a father fit in with this arrangement? For example, what was your motivation for advertising on PinkBoard? Do you have a religion? What are your ideas about child raising? What do you consider is important and necessary for children?
I look forward to hearing back from you!
Best wishes,
Dear Melina,
Thanks for your email & photo.
Despite me being gay, I think you are rather nice looking.
I'll have a deeper thought & answer your questions in the last mail in the next one.
Basically, though it's not ideal, I can accept to have a child raised in another state.
Anyway, I am a Christian. I have one request that I would regard as important. That it would be a sorrow if my child is grown up non-Christian. So would you agree to raise him/her up as a Christian?
You are also welcome to ring me & have a chat.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Dear L,
Thank you very much for your email and compliment! I'm afraid though, that I also have strong views on religion. I wouldn't be comfortable to raise a child as a Christian, because from my culture, children born to a Jewish mother are Jewish. So I think I must say at this point that it won't be possible for us to have a child together.
However, I wish you all the best in your search for a mother for your child. And I'd be happy to continue our email correspondence to see how it all goes for you.
All the best,
Dear Melina,
Yes, it's a pity it didn't work out.
But all the best & keep in touch.
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