January 2011
ideal as raffle prizes, gifts, or on-sale items for International Women’s Day 2011.
The Reclaiming Anthology: healing our wounds (2005), Melina Magdalena (Ed), Seaview Press.
This inspiring collection of stories, poems and non-fiction prose is on the theme of healing from trauma such as sexual assault.
Contributors: Nicole Albert, Henry Ashley-Brown, Kathleen Bambridge, Chris Battams, Fabienne Bayet-Charlton, Catherine Black, Beatriz Copello, Janet Crease, Sally D’Souza, Heather Eaton, Yvonne Judith Ferris, Sarah-Jane Flaherty, Eileen Geoghegan, Leah George, Joylene Hartnet, Kathryn Healy, Laura Henkel, Gabriele Ingerson, Mary Kastanos, Adrian Kitchener, Susan Leisavnieks, Marilyn Linn, John Lind, Melina Magdalena, P.J. McConachy, Brooke McReynolds, Rachael Mead, Margaret Metz, moonlight, K.N., Nina, Jane Seagull, Beverley F. Searle, Aviva Sheb’a, Alice Shore, Kathy Silard, Angel Sister, Jannette Stevens, Sumi, Jean Taylor, Tori, Amelia Walker and G.M.Walker.
There are only a few copies left from the original print runs.
Originally selling at $27.50rrp, now just $10 plus postage.
Reclaim the Night Poster © Mersigns (Melina Magdalena)
This full-colour poster has always received a favourable response, and was the inspiration for the Reclaiming Anthology. Copies can be purchased from the artist at different rates, depending on how many copies are ordered.
1-5 $4 each*
5-10 $3 each*
10+ $2 each*
1 book + 1 poster $12*
(*please contact me for details of postage costs)
ORDERS c/- Melina Magdalena
snailmail 20 Second Avenue, Payneham South SA 5070
If you would be so kind as to pass this information through your networks, I am very grateful for your support. Have a great International Women’s Day!